Tutorials ========= Simple widget ------------- Let's build a stock price fetcher. We will allow the user to enter a stock ticker symbol and fetch information about the current stock price from the `Quandl API `_. The code for this example is also available in `examples/stock_price `_. .. image:: images/stock-price.png :: # example.py from urllib.request import urlopen from urllib.error import HTTPError import json import ipywidgets as widgets BASE_URL = 'https://www.quandl.com/api/v3/datasets/WIKI/{}.json?rows=1' stock_input = widgets.Text('GOOG') fetch_button = widgets.Button(description='FETCH') result_container = widgets.HBox([ widgets.Text(disabled=True) ]) def get_stock_price(symbol): """ Fetch stock price for `symbol` from quandl API """ with urlopen(BASE_URL.format(symbol)) as response: response_json = json.loads(response.read()) return response_json['dataset']['data'][0][1] def handle_fetch_error(error, symbol): if error.code == 404: message = 'Stock symbol {} not found'.format(symbol) else: message = 'Unexpected error' result_container.children = [widgets.Label(message)] def on_button_click(arg): """ Callback when 'fetch' button is clicked """ # Disable widgets to give feedback that something is happening stock_input.disabled = True fetch_button.disabled = True # Fetch the stock price symbol = stock_input.value.upper() try: stock_price = get_stock_price(symbol) result_container.children = [ widgets.Text(str(stock_price), disabled=True) ] except HTTPError as error: handle_fetch_error(error, symbol) # Re-enable the widgets stock_input.disabled = False fetch_button.disabled = False fetch_button.on_click(on_button_click) container = widgets.VBox([ widgets.HBox([stock_input, fetch_button]), result_container ]) To run the example, enter this shell command:: $ ipywidgets-server example:container This will serve this example on the default port, 8866. Visit ```` with your browser, and you should see the widget. We note the following: - we wrap all the widgets into a top-level container, ``container``. This is the widget we then ask ``ipywidgets-server`` to display. - when the user presses the ``FETCH`` button, they should receive some feedback that the application is processing their request. Disabling the user inputs is an easy way to provide this feedback. - depending on whether the stock price fetch was successful, we either display a text widget with the stock price, or a label widget with an error message. To render different widgets conditionally, we anchor a container (an ``HBox``) and swap the container's children.