Getting started: 30 seconds with IPywidgets server ================================================== Let's create a simple widget:: # from ipywidgets import IntSlider, Text, VBox s = IntSlider(max=200, value=100) t = Text() def update_text(change=None): t.value = str(float(s.value) ** 2) s.observe(update_text, names='value') update_text() vbox = VBox([s, t]) To serve this, just run the following, in the directory containing ````: .. code-block:: bash $ ipywidgets-server example:vbox This will serve the widget on ``http://localhost:8866/``: .. image:: _images/simple-example.gif The command line argument, ``example:vbox``, is ``:``, where ```` is the name of a Python module that can be imported (for instance, a file in the current directory, without the ``.py`` extension or a Python package that is installed in your environment), and ```` is the name of the variable that holds the widget to display. For information on other command line arguments, run:: $ ipywidgets-server --help Installation ============ Install `IPywidgets server` with: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install ipywidgets_server Currently, `IPywidgets server` only runs on Python 3.6.